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So... What is Deadwood?


Welcome to 'Deadwood', a television pilot of thrilling blend of mystery, comedy, and monster hunting. Meet our protagonist, Deadwood, a narcissist, and self-proclaimed detective employed by a mysterious corporation with ulterior motives. As Deadwood and his team, Arista and Deadwood delve into the shadows to confront the dangers that threaten Hive City, they uncover dark secrets and navigate a world where nothing is as it seems. With the humour of 'Archer' and the mystery of 'Gravity Falls', 'Deadwood' promises a thrilling adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat, questioning who the real monsters are.


Detective Deadwood, an ashamed ex-cop who has done some unspeakable evils gets fired from his job at Hive City police station, He gets recruited by F.O.T.S (Federation of the Supernatural) an agency which focus on capturing monsters and 're-educating them' to return to society. Hive City holds secrets that have been buried for generations. The town, though picturesque on the surface, is haunted by a series of unexplained events and unresolved mysteries.


Who's Who?

Self-proclaimed Detective, Jon Deadwood is a narcissistic, loose cannon that was hired by the F.O.T.S headquarters due to his unique ability to never die. Jon isn't really a detective but thought since he had been hired that officially means he is one. He has a constant feeling of self-worth constantly trying to make jokes and mess around just avoid dealing with his issues. Deadwood emotes through the frames of his glasses, to show his rage, confusion, joy and sometimes even love. Everyone loves.

Deadwood struggles to control his rage with monster hunting which normally leads to outbursts of violence that affect himself as well as those around him. By slapping his temples this indicates he is about to blow off the handle. 
If we're being honest, he is just a loveable goofball that we want to root for, even if at times he goes a little crazy.

The Mothman! An ex-genetic scientist of the F.O.T.S cooperation, who got mixed up in some shady back-alley experiment that resulted in his DNA be spliced with that of a moth. Now he lives in hiding, only travelling into the city for necessary supplies! He now lives in the Hive City woods that surrounds the east side of the city! He is pretty much the description of a high school slacker who lives in their mum's basemen, playing Tekken all day and eating fast food only to pass the time. He is also trying to find a cure for his aliment, but due to the DNA splicing it has decreased his IQ considerably!

    Through a series of unexplainable coincidences, they befriend Deadwood and become very close, allowing Deadwood a place to stay when work life gets too much to handle. They' re actually so close that they have matching tattoos together! To show how much they love each other!

    Arista, the ex-queen of Atlantis, banished from her homeland as she was blamed for the destruction of the city. She is quickly taken captive by The Federation of The Supernatural (F.O.T.S) for experimentation, but see her skills as useful, recruiting her into the team.

Narcissistic to the core, Arista is unapologetically self-assured, her confidence bordering on arrogance. Arista is forced into a team with Deadwood, a mischievous and unpredictable member of the team. In her eyes, Deadwood represents everything wrong with the world she now inhabits, a reminder of the chaos and folly that led to her downfall.

Something doesn't sit right with Arista about F.O.T.S as she has seen shady dealings throughout the company for years. She is slowly trying to uncover the true purpose for why they are capturing monsters.

Concept Artwork

Pitch Bible

I recently had the pleasure of speaking with the Dundee Contemporary Arts about the my TV show pitch 'Deadwood' and the design process behind the iconic 'DUNDEAD' logo. During the Q&A, we discussed the inspiration behind the logo and how it has become a symbol of the Dundee horror film festival. To learn more about our conversation, click link below.

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